IFHRMS Payslip | Registration | Log In | Forgot Password

In a world where everything has become advanced and modern in terms of making every step user friendly and quick, there are a number of protocols being launched every day.

Be it sales and purchase or simply dealing with your own finances, times and technologies have made it much simpler than it ever was. These systems are run both privately and by the government.

Introducing such technologies where people can keep a record of their earnings, download their pay slip at home and access all the long formalities at their ease was always a necessity. And that being done on government level is always in favor of the public sectors.

One of such programs is what we are going to discuss about in this article, the IFHRM system specifically famous for the IFHRMS payslip. What does it do, where it is implemented and how can you use are one of our key considerations for this review cover-up. So, keep reading and you will find out all about this new protocol.

What is IFHRMS?

IFHRMS is the abbreviation for Integrated Financial and Human Resource Management System. This system has been introduced by the Government of Tamil Nadu Lock & Key Management.

This system works basically as a portal where both employers and employees can generate their budgets, their pay slips and much more. Not only that, but this system also allows you to plan and manage your receipts and expenditure. It also allows the users to access comprehensive financial systems and its management.

In this whole system, there are many activities which this portal take care of such as your pension plans, loans, and many others. You can generate your summary report and IFHRMS pay slip in no time by just logging into the system through IFHRMS login.

How to Login to IFHRMS?

The login process for IFHRMS takes place through the official Karuvoolam site. Follow the below mentioned steps to log in to IFHRMS Karuvoolam ID in the easiest way.

Step 1: Link on the given link to open the IFHRMS Karuvoolam website. https://ifhrms-login-karuvoolam.tn.gov.in/web/tnta/oamlogin.

Step 2: On the website home page by the left side, you can find the login form to fill.

Step 3: Here you are required to enter your IFHRMS user ID.

Step 4: After entering your ID, enter your password in the column given below.

Step 5: After that, click on the log in option to complete the process.

If you do not have your IFHRMS ID, then you are required to get one by contacting the IFHRMS helpline first on the number 048440172172.

Steps to Reset Your IFHRMS Password

When employees do not use their ID very often then there is a high chance that you might forget your password. In that case, you do not need to worry as you can easily reset your password for IFHRMS login through following the below given steps.

Step 1: Click the link given below to go to the website portal for resetting your password. https://www.karuvoolam.tn.gov.in/web/tnta/update-password

Step 2: Here you can click on the option “Forgot Password” or “Forgot User ID” to begin the reset procedure.

Step 3: The website will now show you a new portal where you are required to enter the User ID, your cell phone number.

Step 4: The portal will then send you a verification code/security code on your cell phone number which you have provided.

Step 5: Enter that code in the column visible on the portal for this section.

Step 6: Now click the option that says “Verify” to verify the information you’ve entered.

Step 7: Now the system will send a One-Time-Password to your cell phone number.

Step 8: Enter this password and the portal will allow you to change your password which you can use from now onwards.

How to access your Pay slip and Bill summary report through IFHRMS?

There are several steps that you need to follow for accessing your Karuvoolam IFHRMS pay slip.

  1. Click on the link given above to open the homepage of the portal.
  2. Now select the IFHRMS folder option from the list given of four options on the menu.
  3. You can customize options as per your choice and the page will then display 2 options; Human resources and Finances.
  4. Select the finances tab to see pay slip details and select DDO from available options.
  5. Now click the pay bill groups from this DDO master domains.
  6. Click “create.”
  7. Enter the following details: bill, post type, group name, accounts code etc.
  8. Click “Review” to see the information and confirm it.
  9. Use your employee ID number to see the pay slip details. All the info should be correctly entered.
  10. Select the “add/update bill group” option.
  11. You will receive a confirmation request with the request number.
  12. Confirm the request, and the portal will send you the employee slip details.
  13. You can download it or save it once you have received it.

Departments Working Under This Portal

There are several departments that come under this portal such as the ones which are given below:

  • The accounting and treasures department.
  • Pension Department.
  • Local Audits Department.
  • Minor Savings Accounts.
  • Data center of the Government.
  • The state chief auditor of statutory boards.


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